How should I deal with a troublesome member of staff?
Employees who are misbehaving need sorted out swiftly, but fairly and within the law. The legal stuff is where many businesses fall down, usually for failing to follow the necessary contractual procedures. Employees that cause trouble are often the ones who read their contract of employment when they get up in the morning and prior to turning in for the night.
Usually these people are bullies and you or other workers are the victims. The only way to stamp out bad behaviour is to confront it firmly and make clear what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Make sure that the rest of your workforce know that you are addressing the problem but without telling them the specifics, which could breach confidentiality rights of the person being disciplined.
The problem will not disappear by burying your head in the sand, however tempting it may be as a path of least resistance when if your business is busy and you don’t fancy the distraction of a showdown. Leave the problem alone and it will fester until it reaches a new level and your workforce or business starts to unravel before your eyes.
Make sure you have got your facts correct and plan how your disciplinary meeting is to be managed, taking professional guidance first if necessary. The effects of a shock tactic on your workplace bully will shake them to the core, and either it will be the beginning of the end of their tenure with you or things will improve rapidly.
Sometimes the outcome is not as you may expect or the next move will be unclear or it will take time to play itself out but be patient and stick to your position.
It usually pays to have sought proper professional advice not just Googling it!